
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
grab your cup of coffee and laptop and head out to the chicken coop!!!!!

Flock And Friends

The chickens
            Sage is a Blue Silkie.  She was born on July 7th, 2011.  We slipped her under Sunset, a broody hen and Sunset has been Sage's mother ever since.  Sage is a small hat bearded Silkie.  She is small
for her age.

Suzzie is a Serama Rooster.  We hatched him in my first grade classroom.  He adores his hens.  He weighs about 14 ounces.  He is much smaller than all of his hens except Sunset. He thinks he is the boss.  He is the most friendly of the chickens.  We can take him inside and he tries to hold in his poo as long as he can.  His crow is not very loud and he is very talkative.  

Sunset is a Serilkie. A Serama Silkie mix.
She has hatched two chicks, Hope and Mia,
both Serilkies.  She is very cranky but very
sweet.  She adopted Sage when she was 8
days old.

Sammy is a Buff Cochin. She is very sweet and easy to pick up.  She  loves to be held and to check out the living quarters.  She likes peeking through the dog door. She has lots of feathers. 

Sylvia and Valerie are Americanas.
Valerie has the golden head and 
Sylvia is the one with the silver head.
We got them as six month old sisters.
They were inseparable.  But when Sylvia
turned into the head chicken, that changed.
Now Valerie is at the bottom of the pecking
order and Sylvia is at the top.

Bonita is a Buff Orpington.  She loves food.  She doesn't like being picked up.  She is the most talkative of the flock.  I always hear her going "bronk, bronk bronk, bronk!" in a loud, scratchy voice.

Other Friends

Buffy is a Jack Russell Terrier.  She
has one brown ear.  We got her from
a breeder.  She is very boingy and loving.
She has short, soft fur and long, springy
legs.  She has a little tiny tail.  She is 
terrified of thunderstorms and goes
crawling into the bookcases when
there is  one.

Noni is a Bichon Frise.  She is a small one.  
She is very nice.  She loves the chickens.
She never tries to chase them.  Her 
favorite game is "chase the cat."  Her fur
is curly and soft and her legs are short.
She has back problems and sometimes
yips when you touch her belly.  

Kit-Ten is a calico cat.  Her real name is
Isabelle but we don't use it.  She is a
very good hunter.  She brings in mice,
birds and other things for Buffy to 
play with.  She doesn't like to be 
disturbed and stomps off if you 
accidentally touch her in the middle of
her nap.

 Gale is a Black lab Border Colie mix. She is very sweet and likes to heard the chickens. 

Loved and Remembered

 Miracle Was a Road Island Red, Red Star Mix.
She was very frindly. She loved food and would follo you around.
She was Chicky's very very very best friend.
They did everything together.  

Chicky was our first chicken. She was a Buff Orpington.  She would follow you around the yard.  She loved to be held. She learned to say "yogurt" and "hawk." She would come to the back door with Miracle and peck it to say she wanted treats.  She was the top chicken.  

Zozo was a white Japanese Silkie.  She was very sweet.  She wasn't the smartest chicken in the flock.  When it rained she would dust-bathe in the mud and her hair on top of her head would get all spikey.  She was Suzzie's favorite hen.  She raised 13 chicks including Sunset.  

Katy was a Serama hen.  She hatched 10 chicks with Zozo.  She was Zozo's best friends.

Domino was a Barred Rock.  She wasn't very friendly.  After Zozo had given up her babies, we returned Zozo to the flock.  Domino had taken Zozo's place in the pecking order and didn't want to lose it.  So she attacked Zozo every time she was in view.  We re-homed her to one of my friends.

Nikki was a tuxedo cat.  He was very grumpy
and sometimes mean.  He didn't like his
paws touched and didn't like to share me 
with Noni.   When you wiggled your fingers
he came running towards you and asked
you to pet him.