
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
grab your cup of coffee and laptop and head out to the chicken coop!!!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dogs and Chickens

Every dog is so unique.

Some are big and some small.

Noni is so sweet.  She never tries to chase the chickens.  Suzzie actually chases her away from the food.

Moby, on the other hand, isn't so gentle.  When he comes to visit and steps into the back yard, all the chickens scatter and run back into their coop.  What they think of him is "the big white giant that has come to eat them."

When Buffy first came to our house she would kind of sit near the coop watching the chickens and licking her lips.  She knew she wasn't supposed to pay any attention to the chickens so she pretended that she wasn't looking.

Kudzu was very old when we got the chickens.  She never paid attention to them.  She might as well have not known they were there.

Bella aka Danger was very interested in the chickens.  She would eye-ball them....  
then run after them!!!!
We had to get rid of her because we were afraid she would eat one of the chickens.  We gave her to the Humane Society.

Bijou the Dog doesn't really pay attention to the chickens.  She kind of just walks past them, glances at them and then goes on her way.  But when they're little she lies down and stares at them.


  1. Nana, my aunt, calls Bijou's sit "the teddy bear sit." Doesn't she look like a little teddy bear?

  2. Moby just wants to play with the chickens the way he plays with his cat. He's clumsy.

  3. And Moby's tail is like a whip! If he accidentally hit one of the chickens with his tail the chicken would go flying to China! Silly dog!
