
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
grab your cup of coffee and laptop and head out to the chicken coop!!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Hot Hot Day

With 102*F the chickens are panting like crazy! A coop tour lady came 2 days ago to check out our coop. It's so hot the chickens don't even want to come out. 

We give them a cold fresh apple. While I hold slices of apple for the chickens to eat, Sage jumps up and eats the apple hanging from the chicken wire.

Sage looks wet because when we were watering we accidentally watered her.

Bonita is laying her egg in the coop.

And after minutes of sitting in a hot coop she finally layed her egg.

  The Garden is a bright green and everything is surviving even after the chicken attack.

Chocolate mint


In the last pic do you see the big mound of dirt?
We're building a new deck and while my daddy was pouring the footings the chickens got in and did this but it is growing back fine. 

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