
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
grab your cup of coffee and laptop and head out to the chicken coop!!!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Chicken Bath Day

Hannah and I decided to have a chicken bath day.  We filled up a tub with warm water and dunked the first chicken in, Sammy.  
Then we plunked in Sunset.

Sunset couldn't touch the bottom so she just curled up her little feet and float around the tub while we washed her.

Hannah scooped Sunset out of the tub and wrapped her in a towel.  We toweled her off and then let her go play with the other chickens.  While I was down there I got some shots of Sammy wet and puffing up.

In the second picture, doesn't she look like a giant orange porcupine?

Then it was Suzzie's turn.  

Suzzie couldn't touch the bottom of the tub either.  But he didn't sit still and relax.  He kept on swimming to the other side of the tub over and over again.  When I was getting his tail wet it looked like he was sitting in the tub but when I let go he stayed like that.

Last, but not least, Bonita.

I had a hard time getting this big girl in.  She would flap.  Half the bucket spilled on my clothes.  We didn't get her very wet.  It was too hard to even get her butt in there.

After we where done, I tipped the tub over and let all the water flow down the pavement. Coming off the table it looked like a water fall.
sunset was so relaxed that she fell asleep.

what a relaxing day for the chickens (only sunset).


  1. I didn't know chickens could feel comfortable in water!

  2. Sunset was the only one who felt comfortable. I bet the others felt better afterwards. The water turned black they were so dirty!
