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Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sammy's Helpful Heat-Wave tips

How to keep cool and to stay out of the heat.

#1  How to dust bathe.    Find nice soft dust, then scratch to make a hole. Lie down in the hole, then gather the dust with your beak.  Then move your wings up and down while kicking the dust on your back.  Next roll your head in the dust. Then start the process all over again. 

#2   Ruffle your feathers every now and then.  Never stay in one spot for long.

#3   Stay out of the sun. Don't look up.  Keep your eyes on the ground.  If you look up,  you will miss a chance to eat a juicy bug.

Any other hints?  Please post them.

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