
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
grab your cup of coffee and laptop and head out to the chicken coop!!!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Little Family

Suzzie was looking sad so I brought him into the house and gave him some spinach.  He sat there, ate a little bit and then sat there.  So I put him outside with Sunset and Sage in the chicken tractor.  He did his little rooster dance to Sunset and annoyed her while Sage freaked out.

I left them in terror.  A couple of minutes later I saw this.

Suzzie showing Sage and Sunset a yummy treat.

They were a little family.  
Suzzie hogged most of the camera.  He likes getting his picture taken and posing.

Then someone escaped through a hole in the chicken tractor.

Mom clucked loudly and Sage retreated from the danger.
Then Sage went frolicking in the sunlight.  But Suzzie told Sage he had a treat and Sage hopped over there and ate it.

I  hope when Sage gets older and joins the flock Suzzie will protect her and love her the way he loved Zozo, his favorite hen.