
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
grab your cup of coffee and laptop and head out to the chicken coop!!!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


It was time that Sage met her new mother, Sunset.  We brought Sunset and her egg inside and put her in a big dog crate.  We put Sage in there with her.  Sunset started pecking her.  Not a mean peck but a "hi, who are you?" peck.  Sage didn't take it like that.  She thought that this weird golden chicken was attacking her and she ran all around the cage.  Sunset was following her thinking, "where are you going?"  Little Sage squeezed through the bars.  I picked Sage up and held her until Sunset settled in the nest with the egg.  Then I lifted up her wing and poked Sage under.  There were a few peeps and then all was quiet.  I went out to get a more solid crate because Sage could squeeze through the bars of the other one. Sunset stood up for a bit then sat down on her egg with Sage under her.


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