
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
grab your cup of coffee and laptop and head out to the chicken coop!!!!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The soft shelled egg and the coop inspector

I was going out to clean the coop and check for eggs when I spotted 3 eggs in the nesting box. One was broken. I always give broken eggs to Noni so I went back into the house and one tiny squeeze over Noni's bowl and it popped! The egg white went over the side of her bowl. She ate the egg in 5 seconds. At least someone enjoyed the mess.  Then I noticed that it had no membrane and the shell was soft.
It was a soft shelled egg.

And I think I know who the culprit was!

Anyone recognize this hen?
She's laid them before not to mention no shelled eggs!
Bad chicken!

And after I fussed at the egg criminal I remembered I needed to clean their coop so set to work. I did little bits at a time using a kitty rake (I can't reach my hand into hay because I get red bumps.)
When I was finished, I had a cleanliness inspector, Sammy.

seeing how fresh the hay is

After Sammy finished she flew down and told me to get working on the nesting boxes next.
She didn't like my answer.

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