
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
grab your cup of coffee and laptop and head out to the chicken coop!!!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hot Chickens

We were going to the coop to give the chickens some cool refreshing kale when we noticed that the coop door was closed and there were no chickens.  I opened the coop door up.  There were five hot chickens panting inside.

I freed the prisoners.  I think it happened because I had been closing the tiny coop door so they wouldn't lay eggs in there and when they went to bed the wind blew and closed the big coop door.  They were trapped in there for about 4 hours.

When they were out we hung up the kale and let them free range  while we planted flowers.  

I opened up the small coop door so that if it ever happened again they could escape.

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