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Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Chick Switching Plan

We had a white silkie hen that was very beautiful.  She died a couple of months ago when a hawk attacked her. 

We miss you
I really, really, really miss her,
my friend, Hannah, and I decided to get a cuckoo silkie chick, but everywhere we looked cuckoo silkie chicks were $20 for one and up to $50 for a pair, a rooster and a hen.  So we decided to get the next one on our list, a blue.  But a couple of days after we decided to do this I found a fertile egg under Sunset.  (Read about the fertile egg in "Sammy Gone Broody.")  And I only want one chick, a blue silkie, not a Seramacana.  We thought it was going to hatch on the 13th but yesterday the whole egg was full and when I tapped gently on the shell it started wiggling.  So I stuck it back under Sunset and started thinking.  Then I came up with the chick switching plan.  

When the chick hatches out of the egg, still wet and gooey, 
put it on Craigslist hoping someone will take it very soon.

"Free Chick -- 2 minutes old"

On the day someone is going to take it, run out and get a blue silkie chick and give it to Sunset because last time we took Sunset's chicks away she cried for 3 days.  

So that's the chick switching plan.  

P.S. Anyone want a free Seramacana chick???

(Update: The egg was never fertile. It was a green egg so it was hard to tell.)

1 comment:

  1. The chick switching plan is a great idea!
    Hope it hatches!
