
Welcome to chicken feet crossing blog!
Stories of silly old chickens and cool adventures they have had
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Monday, July 11, 2011

A New Face

We have a new face in the house!

Sage, a blue silkie chick, 4 days old. 
Well, the chick switching plan didn't really work how it was planned but it is still going to happen.
When the chick hatches, put Sage under Sunset and when the other chick is sold, Sunset will not miss her chick (chickens can't count.)

She is an adorable little chick.  Every time I leave the room, a couple of minutes later I hear someone peeping and I have to go back to talk to her and then I leave again and she does it again and again.  

We forgot to get her chick starter feed.   So we had to look up on the internet and we found that any type of cereal or grain is good to replace chick starter for a couple of days.  So we gave her corn meal.  

Here are some pictures of little Sage and her adorableness.

Here Sage starts to fall asleep.

And she's asleep.

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